
Translating Sailcut

You can help the Sailcut CAD project even if you are not a programmer, for instance by translating Sailcut or documenting Sailcut. Sailcut CAD's translations are managed in the form of text files which can be edited very easily using a tool called Qt Linguist.

First of all you need to get hold of Qt Linguist. If you are running Linux, there is a very good chance that Qt Linguist also comes in a packaged form for your distribution.

If you are starting a new translation, get hold of the translation template, otherwise get hold of the latest copy of the translation file for your language:

Once you have updated the translations using Qt Linguist, mail the modified .ts file to the development mailing list. If you have a little time to spare your help would be greatly appreciated!

Accessing the source code

The Sailcut CAD source code is hosted on github. To retrieve the latest version of the code using the git command-line tool, cd to the directory of your choice and type the following information:

git clone

Compiling the source code


Sailcut CAD should compile on a wide variety of systems provided you have a C++ compiler and the Qt toolkit.

You can download the LGPL/Free version of the Qt toolkit from

Build procedure

To compile Sailcut CAD from source, run the following from the directory containing the code:

 mkdir build
 cd build
 qmake ..

If you wish to install the results you would then run:

 make install